Djeli Forchion
Djeli Forchion (Pronoun"Ki" which means a divine being of love and light.) is a story weaver who helps transform overwhelm to overjoy. Ki uses oral and written traditions, including poetry, to create an atmosphere of curiosity and dialogue, even around difficult topics. Ki helps others breathe life into their own stories as part of a healing process by speaking from the heart. Djeli is a thought leader, life coach, public speaker, lifelong storyteller, and former Cirque du Soleil acrobat who has traveled the world collecting stories. Ki is a story weaver who helps transform overwhelm to overjoy. Djeli uses oral and written traditions, including poetry, to create an atmosphere of curiosity and delight. Djeli is the co - founder of I M Project, mentoring men, young men and boys. Djeli is also and active member of the National Association of Black Storytellers (NABS)