Brian White
How long have you been a student at neyt?
15 years! Since I was 12 years old.
What inspires you to keep taking classes?
Because I like helping other student, and it’s really fun acting with my friends.
Tell us about you experience in Willy wonka
I was one of the Oompa Loompas that was helping Violet. It was fun going to Broadway to watch professional actors perform the musical, it helped me prepare.
Tell us what you’ve learned over the years.
I’ve learned how to express myself on stage and off stage, I’ve also learned how to concentrate and memorize my lines.
Tell us about your experience being a teacher intern at theater adventure program.
Being a teacher intern at theater adventure is all about helping people and leading by example, it’s my dream job! I love working with other students and being with friends!
What would you tell people about NEYT and Theatre Adventure?
It’s really great! It’s helped me make friends and be a better adult.
What do you love about being an actor?
I love being playful with life, and picking out the costumes I want to wear, and I love being in plays and work with other people.
What are some of your favorite roles you have played?
I liked being a prince and acting all royal, I’ve always liked being playful characters, like puck and Peter Pan, they are really fun to act out.
What are some of the ways theatre has helped you in other parts of your life?
It’s helped me be able to express myself when I’m out in the world. I’ve been able to meet lots and lots of friends at theatre adventure and neyt. It’s helped me become a good and kind human.